Author Archive: sajay
The Updater 2021-05-09
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Gmail – The Updater updated with embedded links for contacts or requests_”]
HC Minutes – 2021-04-19
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”EM Minutes_ 2021_04_19″]
The Updater 2021-04-13 – Fund Raising take up the challenge.
Special edition of the Updater, 12 April 2021
Message from the CLUB PRESIDENT, Jamie Trainor
To all Havilanders,
If you read the Who’s Who at the Club each week in the UPDATER, you have come to realize that our Club is very diverse and members have a lot of talent. Work experience amongst our members is varied to say the least, many have developed skills through the years. We can use those skills and we need you at the Haviland Club to be involved in activities.
One being Fund Raising, you know of the important work undertaken so far on our infrastructure and supervised by Jim Ross, our House Chair. In order to up keep the Club and its appearance, we need to fundraise. There is much to do, we have a list.
Here is my appeal to you all; We are specifically looking for people to help organize events at the Club and plan fundraising drives. I hope that many of you will answer the call, the Club needs you.
You can get involved by contacting Alanna Jankov, Fundraising Chair at phone or by email
Remember the Club is You!
45 Fundraising Ideas that Work for Any Organization or Cause
Memories at the Haviland Club
Happening Under the Roof
Thank you to Sue Stranger for submitting this video.
Hope to add a sound track.