EM Minutes – 2023-05-15


Monday May 15, 2023

Jamie Trainor, President
Irene MacArthur, Vice President
Stephen Yarrow, Secretary
Jane MacIsaac, Fundraising Chair
Laurent Beaulieu, Membership Chair
Nelson Hagerman, Treasurer
Michael Cairns, House Chair
Scott Stevens, Pond Chair

Helen Bernstein, Director at Large
Sue Stanger, Entertainment Chair
Bruce Matheson, Chair of the Trustees

1. The meeting was called to order at 5:08 pm by President Jamie Trainor, who explained that this board meeting will focus more on preparation for the upcoming special all members meeting to discuss finances, strategic plan and building assessment. Therefore, the chair reports were to be brief and based on written submissions.

2. Adoption of the agenda was moved by Scott, seconded by Laurent. Motion carried.

3. Approval of the last meeting’s (April 24, 2023) minutes was moved by Scott, seconded by Mike. Unanimous approval.

4. Manager’s report – Susan MacDonald. In Susan’s absence, report given by Jamie.

  • Past month was steady with bookings and club events:
    • Wine tasting went well – inquiries about more such events
    • UPEI Music Dept spring formal
    • Club snooker fundraising dinners a huge success
    • Kim and Kelly Mooney show
    • Women’s Network finished up for the summer, back in the fall
    • Bring and Buy
    • King’s coronation
  • Going forward:
    • Dance booked for this Friday
    • Haviland Club President’s lobster supper for May 26th – 40 tickets limit
    • PEI Alliance for Mental Well Being AGM
    • Music PEI
    • Jackie Torrens documentary interviews
    • PEI Symphony
    • Terry Pratt day of poems and music
    • Will meet with Jamie soon re. projected monthly sales
  • Misc:
    • Management has dealt with an incident reported during a private function at the Club. Members in general to be reminded that the tap room is always available when other main floor rooms are booked for private events.
    • Would be a good idea to actively introduce to new members the existence of the various Haviland Club member groups – not sufficient to only reference them in the Updater when some members are not familiar.

5. Committee Reports:

  • President’s Report – Jamie Trainer
    • The President and Treasurer are negotiating / reviewing banking options for the future.
    • Also anticipate that Club finances will be complemented through grants, etc., once the business plan is launched following development of the strategic plan. Built into the plan is that the Club will need to contribute 15% of any grants going forward.
    • Need to finally complete the financial report from the last fiscal year for the LOC application.
  • Treasurer’s Report – Nelson Hagerman
    • Nelson tabled comparative balance sheets for April 30, 2023, vs. April 30, 2022, and fiscal year up to April 30, 2023). Discussion on the ability of the Executive to approve the last fiscal year’s financial report instead of the wider club membership – this could not be finalized at the November 2022 AGM.
    • Also, discussion on the possibility for members to make $$ donations as charitable amounts via the PEI Community Federation – to be determined.
  • Suffolk Pond Report – Scott Stevens
    • Opening fishing day had a number of members visit the camp and the traditional breakfast was prepared and served. The fishing has been good, members are waiting for warmer weather.
    • The Pond held its Lobster Supper May 13, it was well supported with a soldout event once again.
    • The Pond committee constructed a new Dock for some our older members who have trouble getting in and out of the boats. Thanks to members who helped with the dock and donated supplies for its construction.
    • Fishing is difficult now due to a weed cover which hopefully will pass on.
    • Membership numbers are steady, with our increase in rates.
    • We have had a number of requests for to host another Scotch Tasting, club availability has been difficult, which is a good thing.
    • The pond committee will be helping with the Haviland Club Lobster Supper as in the past.
  • Membership Report – Laurent Beaulieu
    • Membership growing close to 210.
    • 103 singles, 50 couple memberships
    • 107 women, 96 men
    • 203 total paid members as of May 1, 2023
    • Remainder non-paying members – life and honorary – total 208 paid and life
  • House Report – Michael Cairns
    • Tasks completed in the last month:
      • Remove old light fixture in green room;
      • Purchased and installed Chandelier in the green room;
      • Various maintenance tasks; fixed railing on outside back deck, fix floor in upstairs bathroom, fixed light switch outside the maintenance room in the basement (still needs to have a proper plate purchased to meet code);
      • Cleaned out the basement closet under the main door entrance to allow for storage of materials for the bridge club;
      • Plaster walls in the “green room”.
    • Upcoming Tasks
      • Replace the glass above the main entrance (asked for estimates but have not received a response yet);
      • Refinish the front stairs and landing; repaint handrails, sand and paint stairs and landing. Five hundred dollars was approved for this activity at the April 23 Executive meeting;
      • Paint the “green” room; Assisting Laurent in repainting the front room and ceiling ($300 dollars was allocated at the April 23 Executive Meeting);
      • Replace the molding on the Panel in the front room (South Side);
      • Assess the Haviland Club computer network;
      • Weld the front railing on the post that was struck by the sidewalk plow (contacted the city and they have put it down on a work order to fix);
      • Put shelves in basement closet under the main door entrance to allow for storage of materials for the bridge club;
      • Reframe basement closet under the main door entrance and hang doors to cover the exposed closet;
      • Frame and cover the exposed plumbing by the snooker table;
      • Aerate and fertilize yard;
      • Purchase new drain spout for rain trough on NE corner;
      • Fix tap in the upstairs bathroom.
    • Decisions Required
      • Approval to replace the Glass above the main entrance door;
      • Need approval of a $300 dollar float to by parts for the jobs in Para 2.
  • Fundraising Report – Jane MacIsaac
    • No news yet on funding for the summer students via Innovations PEI (provincial).
    • Will be contacting Federal MP Sean Casey shortly on federal funding applications.
  • Vice-President Report – Irene MacArthur
    • Chase the Ace is resting. Money was transferred into the operating budget. There is $300 in the Ace account. We are looking for a volunteer to continue with the Ace as soon as seed money has been transferred back into the Ace account. Everything is set up.
    • “Bring and Buy” cleared $1200. Thank you, emails were sent to all donors of gift cards, which were auctioned off.
    • Monday afternoon bridge and Friday afternoon team are finished May 31 till Sept; Tuesday and Thursday evenings will go all summer.
    • Lynne Thiele won a Charlottetown Heritage award for Esther of Farringford. The group who researched the content have donated 60 books to the Haviland as well as any future publications. These books will be sold when the tourists are invited into the Club.
  • Jamie moved to approve all the reports – no objections.

6. Next meeting: set for Monday June 19, 2023.

7. Meeting adjourned at 6:22 pm.

EM Minutes – 2023-04-24


Monday April 24, 2023


Jamie Trainor, President
Irene MacArthur, Vice President
Stephen Yarrow, Secretary
Jane MacIsaac, Fundraising Chair
Laurent Beaulieu, Membership Chair
Helen Bernstein, Director at Large
Nelson Hagerman, Treasurer
Michael Cairns, House Chair
Sue Stanger, Entertainment Chair
Bruce Matheson, Chair of the Trustees
Scott Stevens, Pond Chair

1. The meeting was called to order at 5:03 pm by President Jamie Trainor who welcomed Bruce Matheson back to the Executive table in the capacity of Chair of the Trustees, taking over from Doug Thompson. Doug continues as a trustee.

2. Adoption of the agenda was moved by Scott, seconded by Laurent. Motion carried.

3. Approval of the last meeting’s (March 20, 2023) minutes was moved by Mike, seconded by Laurent. Unanimous approval.

4. Manager’s report – Susan MacDonald. In Susan’s absence, report given by Jamie.

• April has been a steady month of bookings and activities.
• Discovery Charlottetown want to hold some Scarecrow festival events in the fall – three Saturdays booked in October for two murder mysteries and a fall dance.
• PEI Symphony Orchestra wants to do shows here in the fall, as well as auditions and possible lessons.
• Working with Jamie to provide a projected income worksheet for upcoming bookings.
• May 6th is the King’s Coronation party and May 26th the President’s club lobster supper.
• At the bar, starting to introduce several suggested quality wines on a monthly rotational basis.
• Other projected bookings include with the Dental Association, Dept. Vet. Affairs, several weddings over the summer.
• Some discussion on additional events for fundraising, e.g., high teas, house tours, etc.

5. Committee Reports:

a. President’s Report – Jamie Trainer

• Has met with the Credit Union to explore options for consolidating ongoing club debts (e.g., Fed. gov. Covid loan) via a loan or a line of credit for the club.
• Some discussion on current club debts, monthly income vs. monthly expenses, appraised value of Farringford House, all in the context of the ongoing draft Strategic Plan.
• Some discussion on the structural and physical state of the House and estimates on funding necessary to bring the structure back to a satisfactory level, and how this could be achieved via government grants, etc. Generally, the Club would need to cover 15% of any grants successfully provided.

b. Treasurer’s Report – Nelson Hagerman

• Nelson tabled comparative balance sheet (as at March 31, 2023 vs 2022), and two comparative income statements (month of March 2023, and fiscal year up to March 31, 2023). Bottom line – the club continues to be in debt and is not financially sustainable in the long term absent any changes.
• Nelson will be able to table for approval the 2021-2022 fiscal year financial statement at a future all members meeting – this had not been completed at last September’s AGM.

c. Suffolk Pond Report – Scott Stevens

• The camp weathered the winter very well.
• Opening fishing day had a number of members visit the camp and the traditional breakfast was prepared and served.
• The fishing has been good, members are waiting for the warmer weather.
• The Pond plans to hold its annual Lobster Supper but no date has been selected yet – will not clash with the Haviland Club’s lobster event.
• Pond membership is now on to increase numbers. Recently six professionals have joined and have stated that they think some of their friends may be interested.

d. Membership Report – Laurent Beaulieu

• Membership grown to 204. Breakdown:
o 199 paid members as of April 21st. o 107 singles vs. 47 couples. o 106 women vs. 93 men.
o 3 life members (nb. one is 102 yrs old)
o 2 honorary patrons (H.H. Lieutenant Governor and the Mayor of Charlottetown).
• Challenge is to retain members going forward.
• Several new membership applications were discussed and approved (moved by Laurent, seconded by Irene).
• Directors discussed the need to address some concerns raised by some members about the need for a no-scent policy at the club. Risks and benefits were debated and concluded that a diplomatic sign be posted along the lines:
o Please join us in creating an inclusive space sensitive Club!”
o We aim to create awareness of the importance of scent-sensitive spaces for those with allergies, respiratory conditions, and sensitivities.
o We kindly ask people to avoid using perfumes, colognes, scented lotions that might trigger unpleasant symptoms. o By creating a scent-sensitive environment, we can make our Club more inclusive, welcoming, and comfortable for everyone.

e. Entertainment Report – Sue Stanger

• Re. the garden, Sue is seeking both monetary and bedding plant donations, along the lines of what was done successfully last year. Estimating a budget of $300 for bedding plants.
• It was noted that the front beds are being treated as an ashtray, so signage will be posted to direct smokers to the back deck, and a more functional ashtray will be installed.
• Directors discussed the situation when music performances take place at Farringford House that are not Haviland Club events and the desire from some members to be informed. Susan Macdonald will be asked to invite organizers of such events to consider providing poster material that can be posted at the House.

f. House Report – Michael Cairns

i. The following tasks were completed in the last month:
• Purchased and installed an in-line water filter for kitchen coffee machine.
• Various maintenance tasks: fixed cupboards in kitchen, fixed railing on stairs, replace doorknob on washroom door, partially fixed panel in front room upstairs.
• Rearranged pictures to make room for King Charles’ picture to be placed in the grand room (Laurent is getting the new portrait framed).
• Reviewed the Haviland Club CONSERVATION MASTER PLAN document and the Haviland House Condition Assessment document.

ii. The following tasks are being planned:
• Replace the glass above the main entrance (asked for estimates but have not received a response yet).
• Refinish the front stairs and landing; repaint handrails, sand and paint stairs and landing.
• Paint the “green” room; Assisting Laurent in repainting the front room and ceiling and installing a chandelier donated by Bert.
• Replace the molding on the Panel in the front room (South Side).
• Assessing the Haviland Club computer network.

iii. The following decisions are required:
• Approval of up to $500 for the refinishing of the front step. Approved.
• Approval to replace the Glass above the main entrance door. In principle, funds to be identified.
• Approval of $300 to paint the front room green and replace the chandelier. Approved.
• Curtains for the Main room now that the evenings are longer.

g. Fundraising Report – Jane MacIsaac

• The application to Service Canada for 3 positions was not recommended for funding, we were advised by Sean Casey’s office. We will follow up for additional feedback.
• The application for funding from the Community Foundation should hear outcome this week.
• Application was made to Innovations PEI for 3 tour guides/ servers was made. No reply to date.
• Final documentation was sent to Central Development Corporation, received reply seeking evidence that final cheques have cleared the bank..then we will get our final payment.

h. Vice-President Report – Irene MacArthur

• Ace has transferred funds to chequing account leaving a balance of $300.
• Bridge holding numbers at 50 per cent.
• Monday’s bridge sessions will stop for the summer.
• Bring-and-Buy is advertising to businesses for donations. Getting ready for May 5th.
• Irene will be away from May 25- June 23.

Jamie moved to approve all the reports, seconded by Jane, all approved.

6. Next meeting: set for Monday May 15, 2023.

7. Meeting adjourned at 6:53 pm.

EM Minutes – 2023-03-20


Monday March 20, 2023


Jamie Trainor, President
Irene MacArthur, Vice President
Stephen Yarrow, Secretary
Jane MacIsaac, Fundraising Chair
Laurent Beaulieu, Membership Chair
Helen Bernstein, Director at Large
Nelson Hagerman, Treasurer
Michael Cairns, House Chair


Sue Stanger, Entertainment Chair
Doug Thompson, Chair of the Trustees
Scott Stevens, Pond Chair

1. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm by President Jamie Trainor who welcomed the new House Chair Michael Cairns.

2. Adoption of the agenda was moved by Jane, seconded by Irene. Motion carried.

3. Approval of the last meeting’s (February 27, 2023) minutes was unanimous. The board discussed the mechanism for disseminating to all Club members the minutes of each board meeting and agreed that minutes should not be posted on the website where they can be viewed by the outside world but should be limited to the members only. Laurent committed to sharing the minutes going forward with the members via his group email list, used for sending out the weekly Updater.

4. Manager’s report – Susan MacDonald. In Susan’s absence, report given by Jamie.

• April is filling up quickly, including four weddings booked, reunions, birthdays, a Celebration of Life meeting, etc. More inquiries for rentals coming in.
• The March 3rd Friday music night (including oysters) with Jon Rehder’s group, was a big success.
• The snooker group fund raiser dinners have also been successful with $700 raised so far – fantastic.
• The subject of the wine selection list was raised again, and the board agreed that popular wine brands should be maintained, augmented with a rotation of select new brands, perhaps on a three-month rotation basis, recognizing that the Club is limited by the availability at the PEI Liquor Commission.
• Sue Stanger is actively looking for additional music evening opportunities.
• The Haviland Club passed a recent health inspection, and the license has been renewed.
• The license for the “socials on the lawn” needs to be restored and we are moving to make this permanent.

5. Committee Reports:

a. President’s Report – Jamie Trainer

• Mike Cairns has offered to take on the role of House Chair and the Executive voted unanimously to welcome Mike. The position will need to be made official by a vote at the next AGM. Meanwhile, Mike will take part in the Strategic Planning Committee, including of course the Farringford House building maintenance plan.
• Craig will be taking on more roles to augment the good work that Susan continues to manage.
• There is a proposal under consideration to have another “Military Dinner” in November, including a band. Last year’s was very successful and raised much needed funds to the Club.

b. Fundraising Report – Jane MacIsaac

• A couple of new opportunities to apply for funding for two additional student positions (high school level) to help Susan. This is over and above the funding applications for students (university level) already in play and discussed last month. Depending on the application host – Federal, Provincial, etc., there could be a cost sharing component with funds received by the Club for various projects, e.g., 90% fund plus 10% from the Haviland Club.
• PEI Community Foundation has started a separate program – funding available to us that we could potentially target some of the priority heritage work on the house structure itself. To be discussed by the Strategic Planning Committee.
• Goal of the end of March to finalize the Strategic Plan and the building reports.
• Will be meeting with the Volume 18 group again soon to complete their work.
• Anticipate a stand-alone meeting of the whole Club membership in May or June to present the Strategic Plan and Building Plan, in addition to finalize the 2022 financial report.

c. Membership Report – Laurent Beaulieu

• Membership grown to 195 members, as we aim for 200.
• Bert’s 90th birthday will be celebrated at the Club this upcoming Saturday. Important to recognize all that Bert has contributed over many years. Unanimous support to recognize Bert by making him a life member, after a motion from Laurent, seconded by Irene.

d. Vice-President Report – Irene MacArthur

• We have a Bridge fund raiser for the Haviland on Mar 26th. Guesstimate $500 plus to be raised for the Club.
• The Chase the Ace tickets can be bought by:
a) the bar $5 a ticket
b) acechaser.com $5.50 a ticket
c) Interac irene.macarthur.pei@gmail.com . Automatic deposit $5 a ticket.
• Chase the Ace is the only ongoing fund raiser at the Club, at present. We are asking that all our members participate by purchasing tickets, to drive the pot up. Once the pot becomes larger and the deck smaller, there will be a run on the ticket sales, which will benefit the Club.
• The Ace has raised more than $20,000 for the Club.

e. Treasurer’s Report – Nelson Hagerman

• At the September AGM the 2022 financial statements were not approved, and now after careful review, these can now proceed to be approved, first by the executive this evening, and later at an all-members meeting.
• However, it was noted that the 2021 numbers are not consistent in this report compared to the 2021 statement. Consistency is vital when sharing the Club’s numbers with funding bodies who review the Club’s finances several years back.
• Nelson will revisit the 2021 numbers and bring the statements back to the Executive at the next meeting.
• Comparative income and balance sheets were shared with the Executive for review.
• Further discussion will be required to increase revenue in light of Covid loan repayments due later this year, and options around establishing charitable status for the Club.
• Bottom line, the Club is not sustainable financially, hence the Strategic Plan and new approaches to revenues going forward.
• Executive will further consider the possibility of a loan to cover current deficits, however, appraisal of the property’s value is needed to approach any bank for a loan, and concurrently revisit insurance on the house to match its true value today.
• Also discussed is the current system for paying and reserving a seat at various events convened at the Club. Big improvement noted with colour coded folders recently implemented at the bar to track who has reserved and/or paid for what, but the system needs to be modernized and made more efficient to avoid piling too many requests on the House Manager.

All the reports were approved unanimously, notwithstanding the need to revisit the financial statements.

6. New business

• Need to set a target for the special all members meeting to discuss and approve the Strategic Plan, Building Plan and the 2022 end-of-year financial statements. Looking at the end of May, subject to some adjustment.

7. Next meeting: set for Monday April 17, 2023. The subsequent executive meeting will fall on Monday May 15, 2023, giving some preparation time for the special all members meeting.

8. Meeting adjourned at 6:52 pm.


EM Minutes – 2023-01-16


Monday January 16, 2023


Jamie Trainor, President

Irene MacArthur, Vice President

Stephen Yarrow, Secretary

Jane MacIsaac, Fundraising Chair

Scott Stevens, Pond Chair

Laurent Beaulieu, Membership Chair

Sue Stanger, Entertainment Chair


Nelson Hagerman, Treasurer

Helen Bernstein, Director at Large

Doug Thompson, Chair of the Trustees

1.   The meeting was called to order at 5:05 pm by President Jamie Trainor who welcomed the executive to its first meeting in 2023.

2.   Adoption of the agenda was moved by Scott, seconded by Irene. Motion carried.

3.   Approval of the last meeting (December 12, 2022) minutes was moved by Stephen, seconded by Laurent and the motion carried, following a verbal readout of the minutes.

4.   Manager’s report – Susan MacDonald. In Susan’s absence, report given by Jamie.

·                 Bookings were steady up till Christmas, e.g., Celebration of Life, weddings, and several engagement and birthdays.

·                 January and February are fully booked, with the earliest openings now in March, April, and May.

·                 Jamie, Susan, and Irene are finalizing the revised rental rates and contract, that will be presented to the Executive shortly.  New rates are already being applied.

·                 Susan and Susan Stanger are meeting regularly, including this week, to review events from now through to the spring.

·                 Overall, bookings are very strong for what is normally a quiet time of the year.  Aiming for monthly events and quarterly major events for the members.

·                 There have been regular drop-ins of people seeking information on membership to the club.

·                 There are sensitivities around convening Friday evening non-member rental events coinciding and potentially overlapping with the regular member’s Friday nights in the lounge, happy hour, etc. Consequently, the Club will be limiting rental type events on Friday evenings, with just a few small gatherings taking place.

·                 It was noted that there could be a need for two bartenders when specific events take place.

·                 For Friday happy hour evenings, the availability of snacks has been expanded slightly, with minimal extra costs.

·                 The former $5 Friday dinners maybe re-considered.

·                 Someone (Sandra) has been hired to do the snow shoveling.

·                 Susan and Irene have done substantial cleaning up of the basement – more to be done.

·                 There is a minor leak again in the basement with sheet metal deflection being considered, plus the installation of a newly acquired sump pump.

·                 To sum up, it was observed that the volume of rentals is looking very good.

5.   President’s Report – Jamie Trainer

·                 Our treasurer Nelson will provide a financial report at the next Executive meeting.

·                 Concerning the damage to the two carrying beams in the attic, caused by September’s hurricane Fiona, Greg Munn and Tom Morrison will be installing lag bolts (imported from the UK) and metal plates this week to create a permanent repair. Winmar Property Restoration is managing the project for the insurance company. All to be covered by the Club’s insurance, minus $1000 deductible.

·                 Fiona damaged tree is now removed, relieving concerns for the neighbouring property – the city paid the bill.

·                 Jamie is very happy with the strategic plan process – more information in Jane’s report.

·                 The new mentoring program is ongoing – new members are mentoring new members!

6.   Chair reports:

Membership Chair – Laurent Beaulieu

·                 As of January 9, 2023, we have 170 regular paid members, up from 148 at the time of the November AGM.  Breakdown: 170 = 91 women + 79 men; 92 single + 39 couple memberships.

·                 As promised at the last meeting, Laurent tabled a detailed draft proposal to revise the fees for memberships. The review covers (i) equitable fee structure regardless of a member’s marital status, (ii) prorated fee options, and (iii) specific benefits for not-for-profit members.   The latter elicited healthy discussion and the much-appreciated proposal generally will be examined more thoroughly in conjunction with the upcoming strategic plan that will include membership strategies. In this context, Jane informed the meeting that a draft report for the strategic plan will be tabled for the executive’s review mid-February, after which the membership fee review can proceed considering various options for the Club’s future suggested by Volume 18.

Pond Chair – Scott Stevens

·                 The camp has been winterized but is still accessible for visits.

·                 The last storm resulted in a tree blocking the access road, but the tree has now been removed and all is well.

·                 Pond members hosted a Scotch tasting event Friday, Jan 13th at the Haviland Club.  It was well attended despite the poor weather that evening, and a number of rare scotches were presented for tasting, paired with our famous smoked salmon on a bagel.

·                 We are now on a membership drive to increase our numbers.

·                 It was clarified that Pond membership is separate to Haviland Club membership.

Vice-President – Irene MacArthur

·                 The Chase-the-Ace pot now sits at $4750.  One member has won the draw six times in recent weeks.

·                 Bridge Club numbers remain static – some members of the Bridge Club are members of the Haviland Club.

·                 Saturday February 25th there will be a gathering specifically for new members (approx. 30) to the Haviland Club, in addition to mentors.  Bake beans and biscuits will be served, and Sue Stanger will arrange entertainment.

·                 The re-organization of storage at the club is ongoing, with including the installation of shelving and bins, and perhaps an outdoor storage shed for chairs, etc.

·                 Room rental prices are now posted.

·                 There have been some issues with laundry associated with wedding events, consequently additional linens will be purchased, and closets rearranged to fully accommodate event materials.

·                 Wedding event prices will be re-established shortly.

·                 A question was raised as to why there is a charge for bridge, and not for snooker.  The former relates to the Bridge Club being a separate entity to the Haviland Club (HC), paying a rental to host the games at 2 Haviland Street.  Snooker players are HC members.  Despite this distinction it was agreed going forward that clarification is required concerning memberships and the various activities that take place at 2 Haviland Street, re. HC members vs. non-members and who pays for what. To be addressed when reviewing the governance structure around the operation of the HC going forward.

Entertainment Chair – Sue Stanger

·                 The Club has some new initiatives, including the Haviland Writers group and the Haviland Gourmet Dinner Club.

·                 The February 25th “new members” gathering will include various games (snooker, euchre, etc.), a show, including the dancing camel, etc.

·                 A poster for the event is being prepared.

·                 The once-a-month Friday evening music events will continue, including this Friday’s jazz night.

·                 For both March 31st and April 1st evenings, a dinner show event is being planned to include a violinist.

Fundraising chair – Jane MacIsaac

·                 Greg Munn, with Tom Morrison, has completed an initial assessment of the building structure at 2 Haviland Street and a report is anticipated mid-February to prioritize addressing structural issues. Recommendations for renovations will be included that will facilitate making applications for funding – the key justification for the report.

·                 Greg had identified a major structural problem related to Fiona, that Jamie discussed earlier.

·                 Heather MacAulay of Volume 18 has completed the member survey and key outside informant interviews and early findings have been reported to Jamie, Jane, and Jake.  A draft report should be available by mid-February for board review, that will incorporate all the pillars established by the strategic steering group.

·                 Applications have been completed and submitted to Canada Summers Jobs through the Federal Government’s Service Canada requesting three positions – an accounting technician, a researcher, and events/marketing coordinator. Funding aim is approx. $28K. Applications entailed job descriptions, an outline of duties, mentoring plans, reporting structures for each position, plus information on whether the incumbents will be retained or not. Seeking “youth” not necessarily students. Deadline was January 12th, and do not anticipate the results until April 1st.

·                 Work in progress includes: (i) contact made with Skills PEI for summer student applications – aiming for three students to conduct walking tours of the building, (ii) review the new national Post-Covid Recovery Fund program administered through three streams such as the Red Cross.  Will be approaching Kent Hudson, Exec Director of the PEI Community Foundation to submit a proposal comprised of (a) communications and awareness about the future of the Haviland Club, (b) facilitating a governance review through hiring a lawyer to review the Club’s constitution, by-laws, operational rules, etc., (c) develop an action plan or structure around a fund-raising campaign for the Club.  These applications must be submitted by February 21st.

Laurent motioned approval of the chair’s reports, seconded by Jane.  Motion carried.

Addendum: The New Year’s Levee at the Haviland Club was very successful with over 400 visitors.  Anticipate new members to the Club from this community-based event.  It was noted that timing of the Club’s Levee vs. Levees held elsewhere can influence the number of visitors, therefore, scheduling will be closely followed for next year’s event.

7.   Next meeting: Monday February 27, 2023, at 5:00 pm.

8.   Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm.

EM Minutes – 2022-12-12


Monday December 12, 2022, at 5:00 pm


Jamie Trainor, President

Irene MacArthur, Vice President

Stephen Yarrow, Secretary

Nelson Hagerman, Treasurer

Helen Bernstein, Director at Large

Jane MacIsaac, Fundraising Chair

Scott Stevens, Pond Chair

Laurent Beaulieu, Membership Chair


Sue Stanger, Entertainment Chair

Doug Thompson, Chair of the Trustees

1.   The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm by President Jamie Trainor.

2.   New executive members were introduced and welcomed.

3.   Adoption of the agenda was moved by Laurent, seconded by Scott. Motion carried.

4.   Approval of the last meeting (November 14, 2022) minutes was agreed to by the members currently present who were on the board at the time.

5.   Manager’s report – Susan MacDonald. In Susan’s absence, report given by Irene.

December is going well. Great response to the club’s upcoming Christmas dinner and show, with just 3 spots left, out of 60 (at the time of this meeting).

Finishing up rental pricings this week with Irene and Jamie.

Finishing up job evaluation this week with Jamie and Irene

Met with Nelson, Lynn, and Jamie.

Rentals since the last board meeting include:

Association for community living workshops

Women’s network

Hiking group workshop

Book launch

Club Christmas crafting

Liberal group meeting for district 12

Architect society’s brief social

A council dinner

Craft workshop

UPEI Music Department winter formal

The last improv class is tonight (Dec 12).  Going forward, Laurie will convene her classes in Summerside over the winter.

In the works discussing details and dates for the Ebb and Flow Show next summer.

Only a few bookings so far in January 2023:

Celebration of life workshop

An engagement party

A 60-year birthday party

Plus, regular meeting of the Women’s network and the PEERS Alliance

Susan will take a few days off (dates to be determined) between Christmas and New Year’s, in addition to her regular days off Dec 25 and 26.

There is one booking for December 29 and both bridge clubs are closed over the holiday week.

The board agreed that Craig would be approached to cover for Susan’s absence and noted that the Club has the upcoming New Year’s Eve party, plus the Levee January 1, 2023.  The Club is closed after noon December 24, and of course December 25 and 26.  The idea of serving moose milk on December 23 (a Friday evening) was discussed.

6.   President’s Report – Jamie Trainer

Jamie welcomed the new board members and noted that the Haviland Club’s momentum is on the rise despite some financial challenges, and that the strategic planning exercise is going well.  Membership is going well with increasing numbers since the AGM.  Looking to identify how the Club can increase rentals, etc. during the slow period from January to the spring.  Post-Fiona tree issues still exist re. neighbouring property, but Laird Tree Care will be taking care of this in the next days.  The members briefly discussed the Club’s rental rates in comparison with other places – new rates will be set soon, along with the hiring of additional staff to assist Susan.

7.   Chair reports:

Membership Chair – Laurent Beaulieu

At the AGM the Club had 148 members.  Today, December 12, we have 161 members.  New members mostly recommended by existing members.  Two new members are keen snooker players and interested in initiating a snooker group in the basement.  Laurent has analysed the paid membership and reported the current composition as 89 singles, 36 couples, 84 women and 77 men members. Women clearly make up the majority in contrast to the membership of a few years back.  In addition to the 161 paid members, the Club has (i) four not-for-profit member groups, with the potential for a fifth (the Writers Group PEI, who had left the Club two years ago due to Covid concerns but would like to return), (ii) three life members, and (iii) two honorary patrons.  Anticipate additional members in the near future.

Laurent encourages existing members to actively welcome new members.  Concerning the single vs. couple membership, Laurent announced he will be reviewing the fee structure in 2023 to address several concerns raised recently about the unfairness between the two fee levels (i.e., $212.75 single vs. $280.75 couple rates = a difference of only $68 in favour of the couple rate).  Related to this, Laurent has heard anecdotally that some new members have expressed how surprisingly low the current fees are, relative to comparable clubs, e.g., golf.  The fee re-structuring review will address issues with pro-rating membership, and the fee level for not-for-profit memberships – the latter only eligible currently for discounts on rental rates – additional benefits should be considered.   Laurent’s report elicited a board discussion on the need and benefits of mentoring new members, revisiting new members mixer events, the importance of emphasising volunteerism more broadly across the membership. The board agreed that a membership committee should be struck to assist with the fee review, new member mentorship activities, website improvements for new members, new member bi-annual mixers.

Pond Chair – Scott Stevens

Pond members hosted a card party at the Camp all enjoyed the visit with nature.  There were geese on the pond, and one was cooked in the oven.

The camp had been winterized but is still accessible for visits.

Additional clean-up work is planned, weather permitting.

A Scotch tasting is planned for January 13, 2023, at the Haviland Club, hosted by Scott.  Volunteers to assist to contact Scott.

The board discussed the possibility of holding a new member mixer at the pond facility.

Treasurer – Nelson Hagerman

Nelson and Jamie have recently visited the bank to review accounts and authorisations. Balance sheets and income statements – as of October 31, 2022, with comparison to last year – were shared with the board as a reference to the report.  It was noted that some discrepancies exist in a few entries, in part due to timing and different accounting system report printouts.  This has been the first opportunity for Nelson to scrutinise the accounts and to learn the Club’s own accounting characteristics, including the Pond’s.  All will be sorted early in the New Year.

Fundraising chair – Jane MacIsaac

Concerning the strategic plan process, the analysis of Volume 18’s planning session on November 22, 2022, and the subsequent surveys, are progressing well, with the timelines on time. So far over 50% of club members have completed the survey, and Volume 18 is continuing to seek input from outside agencies (tourism association) to compare expectations of the Haviland Club. By next week most of the relevant information will have been gathered towards drafting a preliminary report in January 2023.  Heather Macaulay of the marketing firm is very pleased with the participation so far.

With regards to the engineering assessment of the building, Greg Munn and a colleague from NB who both specialize in heritage buildings have initiated their work.  This follows from a preliminary review by Greg and Jamie in August.  The current inspections have revealed a serious crack in the carrying beam in the attic which was not present prior to Hurricane Fiona.  Our insurance company will be providing a letter outlining its conclusions following its own inspection, an essential element for the Haviland Club to seek government funding for potential repairs. So, there will be two detailed assessments of the house shortly – Greg’s and the insurance company’s, the latter relating to Fiona, and the former to enable the Club to prioritize renovation work in general.  Jane is very satisfied with our engineer’s work so far and anticipates the final engineering report before the end of the Club’s fiscal year.   Jane is also noted how pleased she is with Volume 18 and how the Strategic Planning Committee was wise to choose the company.

Vice-President – Irene MacArthur

The third Chase-the-Ace is underway, up to $4000, but sales have been slow.  It is making money!

Bridge is cancelled between Christmas and New Year’s.

Irene will be calling upon the membership to assist between Christmas and New Year’s with clearing out junk from the space opposite the bathroom.  Susan will supervise.

8.   Next meeting: planning on the third Monday in January – the January 16, at 5:00 pm.

9.   Meeting adjourned at 6:20 pm.

EM Minutes – 2022-10-24


Monday October 24, 2022 at 5:00 pm

The meeting was called to order at 5:05 pm by President Jamie Trainor.


Jamie Trainor, President

Irene MacArthur, Vice President

Jill Trainor, Secretary

Jane MacIsaac, Fundraising Chair

Sue Stanger, Entertainment Chair

Allan Trainor, Membership Chair

Helen Bernstein, Member at Large


Bruce Matheson, Treasurer

Jim Ross, House Chair

Scott Stevens, Pond Chair

Doug Thompson, Chair of the Trustees

Adoption of the Agenda

Adoption of the agenda was moved by Jane, seconded by Allan. Motion carried.

Approval of the Minutes of Last Meeting

Approval of minutes was moved by Allan, seconded by Jane.  Motion carried.

Manager’s Report – Susan MacDonald

Susan not in attendance.  Report given by Jamie.

Diggstown rented the Haviland for 3 days this summer to film their show.  They paid the Haviland $13,000.

Diggstown is a show on CBC.

Susan finds the Square payment system used for customers to pay by credit cumbersome.  Jamie suggested that we go back to the old system with an update. The old card reader with an update is less expensive than the Square system.  The Executive agreed.

There were 8 weddings booked. Helen and Diane Porter agreed to help Susan manage and plan the Wedding bookings. They are looking into adding the option of arranging the wedding official.  Staff will be hired to set up and tear down. The cost will be incorporated into the cost of the rental.

Many of last year’s regular rentals are back this winter.

‘Celebration of Life’ are becoming a major part of our rentals.

The Christmas party will be on September 16.


President – Jamie Trainor

Jamie suggested getting a phone for the Haviland so when Susan is away it can be passed on to who will fill in for her.  The executive agreed.

Susan has arranged for a sports package to be included in our cable package.  There will be no additional charge.

We applied for and received funding.  See Jane’s report.

There is a tree on the border of our property and MacNevin’s  (our neighbour on Haviland Street) that is comprised from Hurricane Fiona.  It will have to be taken down. We are looking into having the city remove the tree and cover the cost.

We are trying to get a contractor to fix the deck.  Hopefully, it will be done this week.

Jane feels that we need to have an outside audit done for the year end and before the new Executive is formed. The Executive in attendance agreed.  Jamie will send out a message to all the Executive and the Chair of the Trustees to let them know.

The new strategic plan will deal with updating the constitution.

The Nominating Committee is working on Executive and Trustee positions that will be open for this upcoming AGM.  At this time, we do not have a replacement for the House Chair position as Jim Ross is not reoffending.

The Annual General Meeting will be on Wednesday November 16, 2022.

Vice President Report – Irene MacArthur

Bridge numbers are up.

There have be inquiries, both within and outside the club members, of when Chase the Ace will start again.  The first Ace raised $12,000 and the second raised $3000. It was voted by the board to start it again ASAP.  The jackpot will start at $3000.

The Board thanked Irene for her all her time and effort put into making the Ace successful.

Treasurer – Bruce Matheson

Bruce not in attendance.  His report will be available next week.  He is waiting for some additional information to complete his report.

Pond – Scott Stevens

Scott was not in attendance.  Scott submitted the following report on the status of the pond.

The road to the pond was covered with several trees making access to the lines and camp not passable.  The camp and docks had no damage as a result of the storm (Hurricane Fiona).  The trees were cleared by myself, my grandson, a friend of his and the landlord.  Alan Thompson helped with the tree cleanup around the camp.

The pond now has its power restored and is being used by some of our members.  It should be noted that nearly 50 trees were removed from the road.  A big thanks to our landlord, Frank Johnston, who assisted us with his equipment.

Fundraiser – Jane MacIsaac

Strategic Planning Committee

The Strategic Planning Committee has met their initial goals and objectives.

Contact was made with both the Province and with ACOA.  These are valued contacts as they facilitate the application and approval process for us.

The committee submitted two applications for funding to the Business Development Centre (BDC) who administers the program on behalf of the Province and ACOA.  Each application was for $15,000.  We are responsible for covering 15% of this amount.  Therefore, the approval amounts to $25,500 ($12,750 each) with our share being a total of $4,500 (15% of $15,000 x 2).  Our share will be covered by money raised from ‘Chase the Ace’.

  1. One will be used to hire Volume 18 to conduct a strategic plan for the Club. It will include feedback from members and the community. The outcome will chart a path for the future.
  2. The other grant will be used to do an assessment of the building. The Haviland is a Heritage building and any modifications, renovations or recommendations for future remodelling will be prioritized.  Greg Munn of Nine Yard Studio has been approved to do this part.  Greg is a member and an architect specializing in Heritage buildings.

Future Funding Opportunities

There are also other funding opportunities.

  1. An application is currently in the works with New Horizons.
  2. A “ Letter of Intent “ is in the development phase to the John Bragg Foundation .

Once we have completed the planning exercise, we will be looking for additional funding for renovations, marketing and other opportunities identified through that process.

A considerable amount of work goes into organizing and preparing these applications before submitting them for funding by the deadlines. We will have to have additional help.  For example, we may want to hire Students…to assist with research and tours of the building.

The Board thanked Jane and Jake Baird for all their time and effort put into securing this money for the Club.

House – Jim Ross

Jim was not in attendance.

Membership – Allan Trainor

The current membership is 104 paid members, 1 patron, 1 honorary, 2 life and 1 corporate for a total of 109 members.  Many members have not yet paid their dues.  Only paid members can vote at the AGM.

There was a request to review cost of single memberships compared to couples memberships.

New Member applications:

Scott Spencer

Kimber Spencer

  1. Barbara Flanagan Rankin

Michele Roach

Penny MacLeod

Heather Robson

Dan Robson

Heather J. Pierce

Heather Rix

Allan motioned that these members be approved, seconded by Jane.  Motion carried.

Entertainment – Sue Stanger  

Our Halloween party is this Friday October 28, 2022.  The whole house will be jumping with activity.

The Christmas party will be a fancy affair dressed to the nines.  It will be on December 16.

Sue is looking into have live music twice a month.

Other new activities proposed by Sue include:

  1. A hiking and photography club
  2. Café Canters
  3. A writing Club
  4. A Food Club where recipes are made as a group
  5. Arts and Crafts
  6. A Fine Diners Club where members can go to dinner together
  7. A Games night
  8. Knitting and Crocheting
  9. Movie night
  10. A Mystery Novel Club
  11. Trivia Night for club members

Sue is looking for members to volunteer to lead these groups.

Sue is planning three dinner shows over the winter.

More activities will be scheduled for Saturday nights.

Allan is going to plan night for Remembrance Day, November 11.

Helen Bernstein – Member at Large

Helen suggested having authors come to speak to the book club or form another club.  Helen will continue to look into this. Suggestion include theme nights, asking local authors to speak and book launches.

Trustees Report – Doug Thomson

Doug was not in attendance.

Reports moved by Jane, seconded by Helen.

New Business

No new business.

Next Executive meeting will be Monday November 14, 2022 at 5 pm.

Meeting adjourned at 6:40.

EM Minutes – 2022-06-27


Monday June 27, 2022 at 5:00 pm

The meeting was called to order at 5:05 pm by President Jamie Trainor.


Jamie Trainor, President

Irene MacArthur, Vice President

Bruce Matheson, Treasurer

Jill Trainor, Secretary

Scott Stevens, Pond Chair

Jane MacIsaac, Fundraising Chair

Allan Trainor, Membership Chair

Helen Bernstein, Member at Large

Doug Thompson, Chair of the Trustees


Jim Ross, House Chair

Sue Stanger, Entertainment Chair

Adoption of the Agenda

Adoption of the agenda was moved by Bruce, seconded by Scott. Motion carried.

Approval of the Minutes of Last Meeting

Approval of Minutes of the last meeting was moved by Jane, seconded by Scott.  Motion carried.

Manager’s Report – Susan MacDonald

Club lobster dinner went well.

July 1st we will have a club BBQ.

There will be a social mixer for Members without partners on Saturday July 9.  It is hosted by Laurie Murphy’s and Mary Ellen Callaghan.

The club Strawberry Social will be on Saturday July 16.

Ebb and Flow starts on Monday July 18 show starts and will go for the next 5 Mondays.

July 27 to July 31 the Haviland will be one of several hosts for the Fringe Festival.  The Island Fringe Festival is an annual performing arts festival that unites artists and audiences in fun, exploratory environments. This year we welcome performers from PEI and across Canada who will showcase comedy, dance, drama, puppetry, and more. Everything happens in downtown Charlottetown, allowing audiences to easily travel from one venue to the next and see all the action.

Welcome to new members night will be on Friday August 5.

Kerry Quinn is having his 50th wedding anniversary.

Play on August 12.

Gold Cup and Saucer event will be held on August 19. A member suggested we put a float or other entry in to the Gold Cup Parade.  The cost would be $25.

There are several rentals this summer for Celebration of Life, weddings, gatherings, and ‘Diggs Town’ for filming.


President Report – Jamie Trainor

Gary Landry the Program Officer, Program Delivery Branch for New Horizons reach out to me to let me know that our file has moved from his office in Newfoundland to Fredericton, New Brunswick.  He said that our 2022 application did not qualify for the $25,000 grant and that we should reapply for 2023.  He told me that there is a good chance we will qualify once the administration in Fredericton gets to know our file but, as always, no guarantees.

Currently, we are in the process of reviewing video footage and interviewing staff about a complaint from a wedding rental.

We need to increase our rental rates for weddings and other rentals.  Wedding rentals are currently under priced so we will have to make adjustments.

There is an increase in rentals for Celebration of Life and it looks like the Haviland is a perfect place to have this.

Rentals are an import revenue stream for the Club and we need more development in this area.  Our strategic plan will help with this incentive.  Jane will elaborate on our progress with this.

Vice President Report – Irene MacArthur

The Ace is doing fairly well.  The second Ace jackpot was started off at $5000 and is covered now.

We had a bridge luncheon that raised $700.  Paint and tiles have been bought to refurbish the upstairs bathrooms.

The bridge groups had a fundraiser for the Alzheimer’s Society, $450 was raised and all was donated.

Irene is going to make a booklet for the new members.

The bottle draw was brought up again.  Can we revamp it to make money?

Treasurer – Bruce Matheson

Bruce presented an 8 month comparative report which included 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, and 2018.  The report shows that we have a substantial loss of $16,620 so far this year.  The other comparison years show a profit of between $5,260 and $18,582.  Report is at right – click to view larger image.

A lot of discussion and several questions were asked by the Executive Members.

Pond – Scott Stevens

Pond members hosted a Scotch Tasting in May which was well attended.  The Pond membership donated a new WiFi sound system to the Club for club events.

The Annual Pond Lobster dinner was held at the pond in June and again was a popular event.  It was a sold out event and many positive comments were received about mussels.  It should be noted that the mussels were donated by Neil MacDonald’s family.  Neil passed away last year.

The Pond Committee helped with the President’s Lobster Dinner at the Club.  They provided the preparation of the lobster for the dinner.

The Pond had a successful fishing year.  The Pond is now weeding over which will limit activities until the fall.

Membership is down from last year, therefore, more fundraisers will be required before year end.

The Club facilities are in good shape but will require a few things done before winter close up.

Jamie thanked Scott and the pond members for preparing the lobster for the President’s dinner.

Fundraiser – Jane MacIsaac

Update on the Strategic Planning Committee.

The Strategic Planning Committee has established 4 pillars to move forward. They are:

1-Protect and Preserve the Heritage of the building.

2-Honour the history of the past members and serve our current members.

3-Engage the Community.

4-Work toward the sustainability.

The Strategic Planning Committee is putting together all the components that need to be in place to be ready to apply for funding when the program is announced.  To date, the committee has identified Volume 18 as the successful applicant to develop the Strategic Plan. Gregg Munn of Nine Yards will identify improvements needed to bring the building up to code.

The Committee members have  put a lot of time and energy into building this plan.  We have had advise and direction from Marilyn Murphy of ACOA.  We hope to have funding and a plan in place to present to the members at the next General Meeting in November. There will be opportunities for the members to contribute their ideas.

There are opportunities to hire students from UPEI next summer to help with the research of the architecture and history of the Haviland Club.  Application for this has to be in by January.

Membership – Allan Trainor

Current Membership is 185 members.

Allan motioned that the following members be approved.  Second by Jane.  Motion carried.

Bethany McIvor

Debbie MacArthur

Angus Orford

House – Jim Ross

Jim was not in attendance.

The work in the basement is pretty well completed.  The only things that need to be completed is installing a door and step.  We will have our invoice the end of July.

Entertainment – Sue Stanger  

Sue was not in attendance.  No report.

Trustees Report – Doug Thomson

Doug said we need to have an insurance review with all the upgrades we are doing.  Jamie stated it is currently being done.

Doug also said we should have an appraisal and documentation of the contents of the building.  This is part of the plan for next year.

Reports moved by Scott, seconded by Helen.

New Business

No new business.

Next Executive meeting will be Monday July 25, 2022 at 5pm.

Meeting adjourned at 6:55.