EM Minutes – 2022-10-24


Monday October 24, 2022 at 5:00 pm

The meeting was called to order at 5:05 pm by President Jamie Trainor.


Jamie Trainor, President

Irene MacArthur, Vice President

Jill Trainor, Secretary

Jane MacIsaac, Fundraising Chair

Sue Stanger, Entertainment Chair

Allan Trainor, Membership Chair

Helen Bernstein, Member at Large


Bruce Matheson, Treasurer

Jim Ross, House Chair

Scott Stevens, Pond Chair

Doug Thompson, Chair of the Trustees

Adoption of the Agenda

Adoption of the agenda was moved by Jane, seconded by Allan. Motion carried.

Approval of the Minutes of Last Meeting

Approval of minutes was moved by Allan, seconded by Jane.  Motion carried.

Manager’s Report – Susan MacDonald

Susan not in attendance.  Report given by Jamie.

Diggstown rented the Haviland for 3 days this summer to film their show.  They paid the Haviland $13,000.

Diggstown is a show on CBC.

Susan finds the Square payment system used for customers to pay by credit cumbersome.  Jamie suggested that we go back to the old system with an update. The old card reader with an update is less expensive than the Square system.  The Executive agreed.

There were 8 weddings booked. Helen and Diane Porter agreed to help Susan manage and plan the Wedding bookings. They are looking into adding the option of arranging the wedding official.  Staff will be hired to set up and tear down. The cost will be incorporated into the cost of the rental.

Many of last year’s regular rentals are back this winter.

‘Celebration of Life’ are becoming a major part of our rentals.

The Christmas party will be on September 16.


President – Jamie Trainor

Jamie suggested getting a phone for the Haviland so when Susan is away it can be passed on to who will fill in for her.  The executive agreed.

Susan has arranged for a sports package to be included in our cable package.  There will be no additional charge.

We applied for and received funding.  See Jane’s report.

There is a tree on the border of our property and MacNevin’s  (our neighbour on Haviland Street) that is comprised from Hurricane Fiona.  It will have to be taken down. We are looking into having the city remove the tree and cover the cost.

We are trying to get a contractor to fix the deck.  Hopefully, it will be done this week.

Jane feels that we need to have an outside audit done for the year end and before the new Executive is formed. The Executive in attendance agreed.  Jamie will send out a message to all the Executive and the Chair of the Trustees to let them know.

The new strategic plan will deal with updating the constitution.

The Nominating Committee is working on Executive and Trustee positions that will be open for this upcoming AGM.  At this time, we do not have a replacement for the House Chair position as Jim Ross is not reoffending.

The Annual General Meeting will be on Wednesday November 16, 2022.

Vice President Report – Irene MacArthur

Bridge numbers are up.

There have be inquiries, both within and outside the club members, of when Chase the Ace will start again.  The first Ace raised $12,000 and the second raised $3000. It was voted by the board to start it again ASAP.  The jackpot will start at $3000.

The Board thanked Irene for her all her time and effort put into making the Ace successful.

Treasurer – Bruce Matheson

Bruce not in attendance.  His report will be available next week.  He is waiting for some additional information to complete his report.

Pond – Scott Stevens

Scott was not in attendance.  Scott submitted the following report on the status of the pond.

The road to the pond was covered with several trees making access to the lines and camp not passable.  The camp and docks had no damage as a result of the storm (Hurricane Fiona).  The trees were cleared by myself, my grandson, a friend of his and the landlord.  Alan Thompson helped with the tree cleanup around the camp.

The pond now has its power restored and is being used by some of our members.  It should be noted that nearly 50 trees were removed from the road.  A big thanks to our landlord, Frank Johnston, who assisted us with his equipment.

Fundraiser – Jane MacIsaac

Strategic Planning Committee

The Strategic Planning Committee has met their initial goals and objectives.

Contact was made with both the Province and with ACOA.  These are valued contacts as they facilitate the application and approval process for us.

The committee submitted two applications for funding to the Business Development Centre (BDC) who administers the program on behalf of the Province and ACOA.  Each application was for $15,000.  We are responsible for covering 15% of this amount.  Therefore, the approval amounts to $25,500 ($12,750 each) with our share being a total of $4,500 (15% of $15,000 x 2).  Our share will be covered by money raised from ‘Chase the Ace’.

  1. One will be used to hire Volume 18 to conduct a strategic plan for the Club. It will include feedback from members and the community. The outcome will chart a path for the future.
  2. The other grant will be used to do an assessment of the building. The Haviland is a Heritage building and any modifications, renovations or recommendations for future remodelling will be prioritized.  Greg Munn of Nine Yard Studio has been approved to do this part.  Greg is a member and an architect specializing in Heritage buildings.

Future Funding Opportunities

There are also other funding opportunities.

  1. An application is currently in the works with New Horizons.
  2. A “ Letter of Intent “ is in the development phase to the John Bragg Foundation .

Once we have completed the planning exercise, we will be looking for additional funding for renovations, marketing and other opportunities identified through that process.

A considerable amount of work goes into organizing and preparing these applications before submitting them for funding by the deadlines. We will have to have additional help.  For example, we may want to hire Students…to assist with research and tours of the building.

The Board thanked Jane and Jake Baird for all their time and effort put into securing this money for the Club.

House – Jim Ross

Jim was not in attendance.

Membership – Allan Trainor

The current membership is 104 paid members, 1 patron, 1 honorary, 2 life and 1 corporate for a total of 109 members.  Many members have not yet paid their dues.  Only paid members can vote at the AGM.

There was a request to review cost of single memberships compared to couples memberships.

New Member applications:

Scott Spencer

Kimber Spencer

  1. Barbara Flanagan Rankin

Michele Roach

Penny MacLeod

Heather Robson

Dan Robson

Heather J. Pierce

Heather Rix

Allan motioned that these members be approved, seconded by Jane.  Motion carried.

Entertainment – Sue Stanger  

Our Halloween party is this Friday October 28, 2022.  The whole house will be jumping with activity.

The Christmas party will be a fancy affair dressed to the nines.  It will be on December 16.

Sue is looking into have live music twice a month.

Other new activities proposed by Sue include:

  1. A hiking and photography club
  2. Café Canters
  3. A writing Club
  4. A Food Club where recipes are made as a group
  5. Arts and Crafts
  6. A Fine Diners Club where members can go to dinner together
  7. A Games night
  8. Knitting and Crocheting
  9. Movie night
  10. A Mystery Novel Club
  11. Trivia Night for club members

Sue is looking for members to volunteer to lead these groups.

Sue is planning three dinner shows over the winter.

More activities will be scheduled for Saturday nights.

Allan is going to plan night for Remembrance Day, November 11.

Helen Bernstein – Member at Large

Helen suggested having authors come to speak to the book club or form another club.  Helen will continue to look into this. Suggestion include theme nights, asking local authors to speak and book launches.

Trustees Report – Doug Thomson

Doug was not in attendance.

Reports moved by Jane, seconded by Helen.

New Business

No new business.

Next Executive meeting will be Monday November 14, 2022 at 5 pm.

Meeting adjourned at 6:40.

Posted in Minutes.