EM Minutes – 2022-05-30

Monday May 30, 2022 at 5:00 pm

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm by President Jamie Trainor.


Jamie Trainor, President
Irene MacArthur, Vice President
Jill Trainor, Secretary
Jim Ross, House Chair
Jane MacIsaac, Fundraising Chair
Allan Trainor, Membership Chair


Bruce Matheson, Treasurer
Helen Bernstein, Member at Large
Scott Stevens, Pond Chair
Sue Stanger, Entertainment Chair
Doug Thompson, Chair of the Trustees

Adoption of the Agenda

Adoption of the agenda was moved by Jane, seconded by Allan. Motion carried.

Approval of the Minutes of Last Meeting

Approval of Minutes of the last meeting was moved by Jim, seconded by Allan.  Motion carried.

Manager’s Report – Susan MacDonald

Monday bridge, Coffee and Conversation, Men’s 45s, Monday and Friday Trivia are finished until the Fall.

The Military Dinner, Scotch tasting and the bridge fundraiser were successful.

Hospice PEI has joined as members.  They have a couple of bookings coming up in June.  We are going host them to do a meet and greet on June 5.

Ray is hosting a volunteers dinner on Saturday June 4.

The President’s Lobster Dinner for members and guests will be on June 11.

Welcome New Members night will be Friday June 24.

Laurie Murphy and Mary Ellen Callaghan will host a members without partners social event on July 9.

Improv, hosted by Laurie Murphy, will return on Sunday nights in July.

Ebb and Flow, which is songs and stories about PEI, will be on Monday nights from July 18 to August 15.

Fringe Festival starts July 27 and goes until July 31.

The bookings are going very well.


President – Jamie Trainor

Strategic Planning Committee – I am very happy with the progress of the committee. We have had great effort and commitment and we are jelling as a team. There is now some traction in the direction of the processes. Jane will elaborate on the processes and progress.

Bruce has been out of the Province and is back this week. I will contact him and set up a meeting where he can give us a detailed report on the financial position of the cub and field questions from the Executive.

Bobby Molyneaux did a cleanup of the yard. We are going to ask him if he is interested in cutting the grass this summer.

We looked at the programs for funding a student in architecture/engineering to work at the Club. Mary Beth MacLean had a discussion with the University about candidates and one was identified. We will follow up for next year as this year’s application deadline was January.

Carol Bishop, a member of the Haviland, is a tour guide for Experience PEI and contacted me because she thought the club would be a good fit on the Charlottetown tour. We had a meeting with Mary Kendricton.  She and her husband own the tour company Experience PEI and they do the Charlottetown tours for the cruise ships.  We could look into organizing the tour this year and implement it next year. We would have to apply to Experience PEI to get on the cruise ship roster. The Haviland would be the last stop of the tour and we could offer tea, coffee and have the bar open to offer beer/wine.

We have also talked to Discover Charlottetown about advertising in their publication and what they could offer the Haviland for promotion of the club. Further discussions are being planned to see what would fit for the Haviland.

We have had a lot of rentals for a “Celebration of Life” this year. We have had good feedback from the families that have used the club expressing that it is a perfect venue.  It is looking to be a good opportunity for growth of the club.  We are looking how to market this opportunity correctly and can add it to our website and publications.

Vice President Report – Irene MacArthur

The bridge luncheon fundraiser raised $700 plus bar sales.

Paint and tiles have been bought to spiffy up the upstairs bathrooms.  The money that is left will be given to Sue for the cost of doing the yard work.

The bridge club will host ACBL longest day bridge game.  Anyone who would like to donate $20 or more will receive a tax receipt.  ACBL puts this event on each year as a fundraiser the Alzheimer’s Society. All money raised on PEI will go to PEI Alzheimer’s Society.

‘Chase the Ace’ is up and running again.  We currently have about $19,000 in the bank.  Some of that money will go to seed the new Chase the Ace.

The number of bridge players returning is increasing slowly.

Treasurer – Bruce Matheson

Bruce was not in attendance.  No report.

Pond – Scott Stevens

Scott was not in attendance.  No report.

Fundraiser – Jane MacIsaac

The Strategic Planning Committee has been active since our last report. The committee members are very engaged in the planning process and are very prepared to help. To date, we have received 3 proposals from parties interested in facilitating a planning process for the Club.  Each proposal has a component that engages the committee itself, our board of directors and members. The committee members have evaluated the proposals and met with each of the proposal applicants.  We have a mutual understanding of starting points.

Marilyn Murphy from ACOA has met with the committee and has given guidance on future programming.  Also, contact has been made with Sonia Dixon and Kent Hudson as additional resources for future funding.

Currently, there has been no new applications for funding.  However, there have been discussions on future direction and identification of potential funding sources once the Planning process is complete.  We will have our foundation piece ready which will better position us for the future.

Membership – Allan Trainor

Current Membership is 182.

The Military Dinner was very successful.  The Honourable Antoinette Perry, Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island, was the guest of honour.

A letter will be sent to the Commanding Officer of the Army to say thanks for the Regimental Band.

A big thank you to Pauline Smith and Cathy Chandler who came in at the least minute to help with the dinner.

House – Jim Ross

The work in the basement is going very slowly.  The sink, toilet, plumbing and electrical is now in.

An exit door will have to be designed to code for fire inspection.

There is a leak in some windows at the front of the building that has to be looked into and fixed right away.  Holland College, who has a program that specializes in restoration of Heritage buildings, has been here and we are on the list to have the windows fixed.  There will be a minimal cost.

Entertainment – Sue Stanger  

Sue was not in attendance.  No report.

Trustees Report – Doug Thomson

Doug was not in attendance.

Reports moved by Jim, seconded by Jane.

New Business

No new business.

Next Executive meeting will be Monday June 20, 2022 at 5pm.

Meeting adjourned at 6:35.

EM Minutes – 2022-04-28

Monday, April 25, 2022 at 5:00 pm
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm by President Jamie Trainor.
Jamie Trainor, President
Irene MacArthur, Vice President
Bruce Matheson, Treasurer
Jill Trainor, Secretary
Jim Ross, House Chair
Helen Bernstein, Member at Large
Scott Stevens, Pond Chair
Allan Trainor, Membership Chair
Sue Stanger, Entertainment Chair
Jane MacIsaac, Fundraising Chair
Doug Thompson, Chair of the Trustees
Adoption of the Agenda
Adoption of the agenda was moved by Scott, seconded by Jim. Motion carried.
Approval of the Minutes of Last Meeting
Approval of Minutes of the last meeting was moved by Irene, seconded by Allan. Motion carried.
Manager’s Report – Susan MacDonald
Susan was not in attendance.
President – Jamie Trainor
The Strategic Planning Committee is coming together nicely. Members of the committee include Jamie Trainor, Jane MacIsaac, Jim Ramsey, Bruce Matheson, MaryBeth MacLean, Jake Baird, Lori Pendleton and Greg Munn. We had two different consulting groups come to go over different strategies. They will give proposals of directions we can take which will be looked over by the committee to decide the path to take. The committee will give updates to the Executive as things progress.
Greg brought Tom Morrison down to check out the maintenance needs of our building. Tom Morrison is from Fredericton and specializes on restoring old buildings. Greg and Tom worked together on restoration projects in Lunenburg. He will put together a proposal of what needs to be done. There are different funding avenues that we will pursue to pay for any repairs that will be done.
We have talked to Discover Charlottetown to be added to walking tours. This will be looked into further to see if it will be beneficial to the club.
Vice President Report – Irene MacArthur
The bridge luncheon fundraiser will be on May 7, 2022.
‘Chase the Ace’ is up and running again. We made $12,000 plus on the last ‘Ace’.
We are going to talk to the Mayor to provide more parking along Union street.
Bridge is moving along but numbers are still down.
Irene brought up whether we should continue the bottle draw. Helen mentioned that she never even heard of it. Bruce and Scott are going to look into it and to see if it is something the members want to continue. If so, we will have to let the members know about it and how it works.
Treasurer – Bruce Matheson
Bruce reported that we have $42,000 in our main account. $5,000 of that is earmarked for ‘Chase the Ace’.
In March of 2021 we grossed $8,200 but, after expenses, we lost $8,200.
In March 2022 we grossed $15,000 and made $2,300 after expenses.
Bruce will bring a balance sheet of our financial standing to the next meeting.
Pond – Scott Stevens
The pond facility weathered the winter well. We had to clear some fallen trees from the lane which was done by one of our avid members.
Opening Day was attended by approximately 8 members who fished and enjoyed a traditional bacon and egg breakfast. Lots of stories were exchanged. The catch was light due to it being a windy day.
On the Saturday, a group of members enjoyed an afternoon playing auction 45s.
A number of Maintenance items need to be carried out this year. A work committee will be established to deal with the repairs.
So far, we have had one club member join the pond under the $100 membership incentive.
Fundraiser – Jane MacIsaac
Jane was not in attendance. She forwarded the following report.
There is no new information on funding, however we are in discussions and process with a number of different Federal and Provincial departments on potential funding for the the strategic plan and renovations for the building.
More to come at next meeting.
Membership – Allan Trainor
Current Membership is 174.
Allan moved that the following new members be approved. Seconded by Bruce. Motion carried.
Robbin Ward
Carol Bishop
Peggy Coady Compton
Rosalind Drewery
Crystal Gavard
Derek Anthony
Judy Praught
Donna McCarville
Carey Hoare
Update on the Military Dinner
Right now 38 of the the 43 available tickets are sold. Any tickets that are not sold will be offered to the public. Allan is looking for 3 candle candelabras for the dinner. If you have one or more that you are willing to loan for the dinner, please contact Allan.
House – Jim Ross
Work is going slow in the basement lately. The flooring is here but has yet to be laid. The toilet has yet to arrive.
The broken sewage line has been fixed.
All the mold has been cleaned up.
Entertainment – Sue Stanger
We have done three successful shows this past year.
We are looking to do a new members greeting in May.
We will have ‘Music on the Lawn’ again this summer. This will be open to the public. More information will be in the UPDATER.
The yard needs to be cleaned up. We are going to have a cleanup day Thursday May 5 and will be looking for members to volunteer. This will also be a social event with a BBQ. More info will be posted in the UPDATER.
We are looking to form Clubs within the Club. Currently, we have a book club, a bridge club, a play reading group. Some ideas are a photography club, gardening club, hiking club, walking club, themed tours, etc. Susan is asking Club members to submit ideas.
Trustees Report – Doug Thomson
Doug was not in attendance.
Reports moved by Allan, seconded by Scott.
New Business
No new business.
Next Executive meeting will be Monday May 23, 2022 at 5pm.
Meeting adjourned at 6:40.



EM Minutes – 2022-03-28

Monday, March 28, 2022 at 5:00 pm
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm by President Jamie Trainor.
Jamie Trainor, President
Irene MacArthur, Vice President
Bruce Matheson, Treasurer
Jill Trainor, Secretary
Jim Ross, House Chair
Jane MacIsaac, Fundraising Chair
Helen Bernstein, Member at Large
Scott Stevens, Pond Chair
Allan Trainor, Membership Chair
Sue Stanger, Entertainment Chair
Doug Thompson, Chair of the Trustees
Adoption of the Agenda
Adoption of the agenda was moved by Jim, seconded by Jane. Motion carried.
Approval of the Minutes of Last Meeting
Approval of Minutes of the last meeting moved by Irene, seconded by Jim. Motion carried.
Manager’s Report – Susan MacDonald
Bookings are going well.
We are at step 2 with the COVID restrictions. We are now allowed 75 people and dancing at public events. Full restrictions are suppose to be lifted in April 7, 2022.
Ebb and Flow with Laurie Murphy and Amanda Mark starts on Mondays in July and goes into August. (5 nights)
The annual club lobster dinner will tentatively be on May 28.
President – Jamie Trainor
A strategic planning committee has been formed. Members of the committee include Jamie Trainor, Jane MacIsaac, Jim Ramsey, Bruce Matheson, MaryBeth MacLean, Jake Baird, Lori Pendleton and Greg Munn. The committee was formed to forecast the future plans for, changes to, and priorities ofi the club. This is a sub-committee of the Executive and all final decisions will be with the Executive. They had their first meeting last week.
There was discussion on opening our place to walking tours.
Looking at staffing needs to help Susan during the summer. Things we will need is cleaning staff, bartenders and people to help Susan with rentals. We will have dress shirts that will identify staff.
Vice President Report – Irene MacArthur
We are planning to do a bridge luncheon fundraiser late April or early May.
The numbers for bridge are up.
Trivia has proved to be popular. Looking to make it a regular thing at the club.
We have more ‘Ester of Farringford’ books for sale.
Treasurer – Bruce Matheson
We have $38,000 in our main account.
Alice Whitty won $15,000 in Chase the Ace so, now, we have around $16,000 in our Chase the Ace account.
Irene is willing to start another Chase the Ace fundraiser.
Bruce moved that the Haviland Club conduct another Chase the Ace with an allocation of $5000 to start the pot. Seconded by Jim. All agreed. Motion carried.
Pond – Scott Stevens
Scott was not in attendance. No report.
Fundraiser – Jane MacIsaac
The strategic committee is made up of a dynamic group of members with diverse backgrounds and skills to take to the table. They all agreed to meet every second Tuesday morning.
Jake and Lori are going to look for an independent party to do a one day training to help start the strategic plan. Jane is going to look for funding to support any costs associated with this.
We have not heard anything more about the grant from ACOA. Jane is going to follow up.
Membership – Allan Trainor
Allan was not in attendance. No report.
House – Jim Ross
The renovations to the basement are on track and within budget. New stairs from the kitchen, a new bathroom and issues with mould and water leaking into the basement are included in the renovations. The $25,000 grant we received from New Horizons is funding these renovations. We have another application in for additional funding from New Horizons for Phase 2 of the renovations.
Entertainment – Sue Stanger
Susan not in attendance. No report.
Trustees Report – Doug Thomson
Doug was not in attendance.
Reports moved by Bruce, seconded by Jim.
New Business:
Mask Mandates
The club will follow the Government guidelines for COVID.
Private rentals will set and enforce their own restrictions.
Next Executive meeting will be Monday April 25, 2022 at 5pm.
Meeting adjourned at 6:15.


EM Minutes – 2022-02-28


Monday, February 28, 2022 at 5:00 pm The meeting was called to order at 5:05 pm by President Jamie Trainor.


Jamie Trainor, President
Irene MacArthur, Vice President Bruce Matheson, Treasurer
Jill Trainor, Secretary
Jim Ross, House Chair
Jane MacIsaac, Fundraising Chair Sue Stanger, Entertainment Chair Allan Trainor, Membership Chair Helen Bernstein, Member at Large


Scott Stevens, Pond Chair
Doug Thompson, Chair of the Trustees

Adoption of the Agenda

Adoption of the agenda was moved by Bruce, seconded by Jim. Motion carried.

Approval of the Minutes of Last Meeting

Put off until the next meeting.

Manager’s Report – Susan MacDonald
Starting to get bookings for weddings. Regular bookings have returned.
Susan and Jamie are working on the club’s building and contents insurance.
We are now on Discovery Charlottetown’s website which will showcase our facility and what is available at our club to the public. Discovery Charlottetown has already reached out to us to let us know they are giving grants to associates to host events as part of the Ice Festival. Two events are being hosted by the Haviland Club. One is a night with Catherine MacLellan. This was to be on March 5, however, it had to be postponed due to a Covid outbreak within the music community. A new date is to be determined. Another themed social event, a Mystic Night, is in the planning stage for later in the month. Details will be published in the UPDATER.
Trivia with Cathy Flanagan started on Friday February 25 and will continue on the last Friday of March, April and May.
Susan suggested that we have an information package for new members. This package is currently being done and will be posted on the website. A new members welcoming night will be planned.
There have been complaints about the boxed wine choices. Bruce and Susan are going to look at changing the boxed wines and introducing more premium wines.
Susan suggested having a cocktail night associated with the trivia night.

President – Jamie Trainor
COVID compliance at the club has been excellent; members have been respectful of following our ongoing updated operational plan. Although the Province is lifting the Vax Pass Program, the executive voted to keep it in place until March 31, 2022.
Discover Charlottetown is working with us on functions and festivals. Tours during the summer.
Work is going on in the basement from the New Horizons Grant. A progress report was sent to Gary Landry, the Program Administrator, and he has given us an extension on the Project to June 30, 2022.

I met with Greg Munn who has joined the club. He is an architect and a member of the PEI Heritage Board. He studied the work of David Sterling who is the architect who designed Farringford House. Greg has agreed to help with a grant application to Parks and Museums Canada in which he thinks we would qualify. It is too late for this year’s application but we are in the process of putting together next year’s application. We will set up a meeting. There is more work needed on the foundation in the front of the house under the steps. We will get a quote for the work.

We spoke with Shane Misner, the provincial representative for the 2022 ICIP grant applications. He will contact us when he sees a program fit for us.
A committee will be put in place to develop a Strategic Plan to develop Defined and Reasoning for Funding, Planning, Budgets and Revenues, Goals, Responsibilities and Priorities, etc. An Operational Plan can be incorporated into the Strategic Plan.

Vice President Report – Irene MacArthur

Bridge numbers are still low but looks like it is coming back so we will plan a bridge fundraiser in late April early May.
Chase the Ace is doing really well. The current jackpot is 14,500.

Treasurer – Bruce Matheson

See attached report.
To be able to accept charitable donations, Bruce has registered our heritage building named Farringford House Trust. He will go on the Government site and incorporate it as a non-profit.

Pond – Scott Stevens

Scott was not in attendance.

Fundraiser – Jane MacIsaac

We have made a number of applications for funding in the past year.
At this point, we have been granted $25,000 from ACOA for the courtyard.
ACOA to receive more.
We have submitted the New Horizons Phase 2-2022 grant application for additional $25,000. This is for the phase 2 of basement work and for Seniors access.

Greg Munn has joined the team to help with the Heritage side of grant applications.

Membership – Allan Trainor

The current membership is 174 members. The membership board is up to date thanks to Laurent.

New Member applications: Karen MacIntee

Glen Montgomery Magdalena Von Eccher

Kimberlee Monteith Martin Sterns

Steven Yorrow Grant Honeyman

Anita Burkett Dave Mosher

Lisa Murphy

Commutations are still open with

Eileen Larkin

Allan motioned that these members be approved, seconded by Helen. Motion carried.

House – Jim Ross

The renovations in the basement are going well and are within budget. New steps from the kitchen to the basement are done. The old boiler is now removed and preparations for the new bathroom are underway. There is another water leak in the lounge which is being repaired ASAP.

Entertainment – Sue Stanger

There will be ‘green things’ activities to celebrate St Patrick’s day at the Friday social.
Movie night will be on Friday, March 11 and Saturday, March 12. Tickets sold for the Christmas dinner can be used for this event. Ray will be making dinner. Anyone who purchased tickets to the Christmas dinner but cannot attend Movie night will have their tickets refunded. Another showing without dinner will be held for members and their guests.
Michelangelo Master Pizza will replace the Michelangelo Masterpiece Dinner Theatre show that was planned for 2020. It will be held on April 1 and a dinner will be served. Tickets sold for the Michelangelo Masterpiece Dinner Theatre which was cancelled due to COVID restrictions will go for free.
On April 2, tickets will be sold for a gypsy themed show. A guest violinist from Edmonton will be part of it and there will be a charcuterie board. Will Hobbs stars in both shows.
Music on Sundays with Island artists is in the planning stage.

Allan arranged for a Military Dinner with the Regimental Band on Saturday, May 14, 2022. Lieutenant Governor the Honourable Antoinette Perry and her Aid will be the Guests of Honour. The event is open to all members with a maximum seating of 45. Final details and cost will be finalized by next Month.

Trustees Report – Doug Thomson

Doug was not in attendance.

Reports moved by Bruce, seconded by Jim.

New Business

The proposals to update the bylaws were discussed. Helen recommended that we get legal advice to help with this. One suggestion was to get someone to work pro bono.

Next Executive meeting will be Monday, March 28, 2022.


EM Minutes – 2021-11-29


Tuesday November 29, 2021 at 7:00 pm 



Call to Order

Roll Call of Delegates

Minutes of the 2020 Annual General Meeting

Business arising the Minutes

Financial Reports

Executive and Committee Chairs Reports

Board of Trustees Reports

President’s Report

Election of Executive and Board of Trustees

New Business


Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by President Jamie Trainor.


34 Members were present including 


Jamie Trainor, President

Irene MacArthur, Vice President 

Bruce Matheson, Treasurer

Jill Trainor, Secretary 

Susan Stanger, Entertainment Chair

Allan Trainor, Membership Chair


Doug Thompson, Chair of the Trustees

Bert Christie, Trustee

Charlie Trainor, Trustee

Harold McGuigan, Trustee

Roger MacDonald, Trustee

Nominating Committee 

Aidan Sheridan, Chair of the Nominating Committee

Laurent Beaulieu, Committee Member

Bruce Matheson (Treasurer), Committee Member



Scott Stevens, Pond Chair

Jim Ross, House Chair

Alanna Jankov, Fundraising Chair

Minutes of the 2020 Annual General Meeting 

Jamie read the minutes of the 2020 AGM.

Business arising from the minutes.

Q:   Was the portable bar put into commission?

A:  The portable bar we had turned out to be rotting so was thrown out. It has not been replaced but purchasing another is still being considered.

The minutes were moved by Roger MacDonald, seconded by Laurent Beaulieu.  Motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report – Bruce Matheson

Bruce presented the Annual Financial Statements.  

Financially the club is doing well even considering Covid-19 restrictions.

Questions asked by members:

Q:  Why is the assessment of the building valued at such a low amount?

A:  The balance sheet reflects the historical value (original purchase price less depreciation) not the market value.

Q:  Why did the Treasurer select the auditors?

A:  We did not get an outside auditor because of the cost compared to our finances.

Comments were made on how well we survived Covid-19.

Bruce moved to accept the Financial Report, seconded by Doug Thompson.  Motion carried.

Bruce’s Financial Report is attached.

Entertainment Report – Susan Stanger 

Sue presented her Entertainment Report.  

Sue began by thanking a number of members who have come forward to help with entertainment. 

We had a successful Halloween party.

The Christmas party was cancelled due to COVID-19 but the show was put on during the New Year’s Party.  

There was a Valentines Day ‘Love Party’, Celtic night with Scottish/Irish heritages and Newfoundland night.  

Four silent movies were made.  The viewing of the movies started with a red carpet event.  

We had a visit to the Riverdale Orchard for snowshoeing, dinner, cider and a bonfire.

We had ‘Story Slams’ on Friday.

Jamie thanked Sue because she has infused a new energy into the club.  Club members agreed with applause.

Membership Report – Allan Trainor 

Allan presented his report.  He stated that we now have *206 members in the club.  We have 54 couples, 90 individual, 3 life, 3 not for profit corporate, 1 honorary, and 1 patron. (*currently 54% the membership is paid for this year.  Memberships are to be paid by the end of December).

Our biggest accomplishment was selecting a committee to review the definitions of Membership classifications.  We did a slight change to the Membership classifications and with that came a slight change in membership fees.  

I would like to personally thank Laurent Beaulieu for all he does everyday to help me get things done, Sue Stanger and her entertainment which attracts new members, Susan MacDonald for her help behind the scenes, the Executive and the President who are doing a fantastic job.  

Membership fees are due by the end of December and the membership board will be updated at that time.  Our membership has doubled since this time last year.

Doug suggested that our nonprofit groups mention us in their communications to attract new members.

Carolyn Trainor suggested that we out reach to groups who rent the club. We are currently doing that.

Allan made a motion to accept the Membership Report, seconded by Harold McGuigan.  Motion carried.

Vice President Report – Irene MacArthur

Thanks to Jim Ross for organizing our Chase the Ace and the anonymous donors for the $2000 seed Money to start the Chase.  Bruce, Jill, Ralph, Bert (2 X) and Will (1/2) have donated their winnings back to the chase. Thanks to Sandi, Cathy, Alice, Jane, Jill and Maureen for helping with the Ace.

Four people have won the consolation prize two times. Cathy, Bert, Joy (Picasso) and Megan Ross(Jim’s granddaughter).

The odds are excellent 1/180- 1/200 chance of having your number drawn.  The Ace of spades is among the 25 cards remaining.  The estimated pot for Nov 12 is $9250.

Bridge group numbers have increased back to almost normal numbers during the past year. These games represent 1/3 of all Haviland rentals.

A number of bridge players have joined the Haviland.  They pay a dollar less per game and enjoy drinks, at the member prices, after the game.

The bridge group published “Ester of Farringford” and, from the proceeds of sales, purchased and installed the coffee machine.  The machine is under warranty, and needs service or to be replaced.  Another 100 copies of the book have been printed.

Jamie thanked Irene for the fantastic work she has done to raise the tremendous amount of money for the club. The membership agreed with applause.

House Report – Jim Ross

Jim was not able to attend. Jamie presented the House report.

The repairs on the outside of the building are pretty well finished for now.

The work on the fire exit in the basement will start in the next few days and will be paid for using the grant we received from ACOA.  We plan to have this completed sometime in December. 

Susan MacDonald, Irene MacAurther and a hired hand cleaned out the basement to make it a nice open space.  The next phase in the basement (after the fire exit) will be to update the interior by refinishing the flooring and walls.

Pond Report – Scott Stevens

Scott Stevens was not in attendance. His submitted report is below.




SEPTEMBER 30,2021.


The Pond enjoyed another successful year, it had a small increase in membership

which now stands at 26.


The year started off with the annual fall close up duties. In January, we built a

new pier which was financed by donations, from a few of our members. In February we hosted a card game with snacks, and April the camp was made ready for the opening of the fishing season.


Pond Use:

​​Visits to camp​ Fish caught ​​ Fish released

      124​​​     258​​​           174

The Pond Committee hosted 3 Scotch Tasting Events, a Lobster Party at the Pond and an Open House including a card game and Hot Dogs which gave members and some locals from the community a chance to view our facility.


We had to replace our Refrigerator, BBQ and we Painted the outside of the camp which ate into our funds to some extent. Painting will continue next season, as well as some Pier repairs.

The Pond is in good financial position which will enable us to continue our repairs to the aging camp.

Pond Chair.  __K. Scott Stevens____

Fundraising Report – Alanna Jankov

Alanna was not in attendance.  (See Irene’s report.)

The committee reports were moved by Doug Thompson, seconded by Laurent Beaulieu.  Motion carried.

Trustee Report – Doug Thompson

The Trustees met twice this year.  Once, right after the 2020 AGM, to elect the Chair.  Doug was re-elected.  

The second time was to fulfill an obligation under the Constitution.  When the immediate past President is not available to serve as the chair of the nomination committee, it is up to the Board of Trustees to select the chair.  Aidan Sheridan was nominated for that role.  As Roger MacDonald was leaving the Trustees, I was asked to follow up with the committee when they were considering their nominations.

Jamie thanked Roger for his service to the Board of Trustees.

President’s Report – Jamie Trainor

2021 was another challenging year for the club. 

We worked diligently with Public Health on our Operational Plan and, with revisions and updates, we were able to hold functions and rentals. We had an official Public Health Inspection and it was noted that we were above and beyond the guidelines set out by the Province. It has been wonderful to see the membership taking part and supporting the club socials and functions.

We applied to two co-pay grants this past year. A committee was put together consisting of Jane MacIsaac, Irene MacArthur, Brian Sanderson, Laurie Pendleton and myself to apply for these grants.

The first was to Infrastructure Canada through the ICIP program. We made it through to the review committee but did not make it to the final leg of the application. It was for the building structure upgrade to include foundation, electrical, plumbing and roof upgrades. We were told to reapply in 2022 as there are new programs being announced that we will qualify for. 

We also applied to ACOA for another copay grant for the outside grounds which includes a courtyard with a building and stage with seating and flower gardens. This one is still in the review process. With the Federal Election called this year, all the applications were put on hold which explains the lengthy timeline. 

The work on the basement was delayed but is now on track to be completed this fall. There was more work done on the roof soffits, as when we opened up a section for repair, it exposed a lot of rot which needed immediate repair. 

We had a change in Project Managers with our Contractor and now have a new team member that has spent the last 14 years restoring heritage homes in the UK — two being castles. We are also in dialogue with Holland College carpentry division and are looking at some help with our window restoration. We will continue to work on prospective funding for the continuing maintenance and updates needed for our great building.

I have had some meetings with Kent Hudson from the Community Foundation of Prince Edward Island to work with some prospective charitable collaborations with PEI Museums and Heritage Canada.

We brought back the annual golf tournament this past summer with a BBQ and prizes.  It was well attended and everyone had a great time.

It has been wonderful to see our growing membership coming out to support our activities and functions. We look forward to a much fun filled 2022 and wrapping up 2021 with a bang. Thank you all for your help in making it a successful year.

Questions from members:

Q:  Where will the new entrance to the basement be located?

A:  We will be utilizing the old coal shoot into the basement.  This area was rebuilt a number of years ago and has new concrete.  This is located on the Union Street side of the building under the deck.  The New Horizon for Senior grant will pay for this project.

Q:  Cathy comment on all the work that Susan did to prepare the club for Covid-19 restrictions.  Was she going to be given anything for this?

A:  Yes, we will be giving Susan a bonus.  Also, two extra staff have been hired to help her with cleaning, setup and bartending.

Q:  Where and what plans are made with the courtyard and how much will it cost?

A:  We do have a plan. The proposal went to more than one group for quotes. The Paul Davis group will do the construction and Twins Landscaping will do the cobblestone for the courtyard.  The cost for this project will be $280,000. The proposal is available to whoever wants to see it.  We will be securing a grant before doing this project.

Q:  Is there any objection from the neighbours?

A:  We were talking to the neighbours and they think it is a great idea.  The neighbours next door, the MacNevins, think it is what Charlottetown is all about and will probably come over and take in some of the activities. 

Q:  What about the city? Are they ok with this?

A:  The city is onboard.


The Nomination Committee was made up of Chair Aidan Sheridan and Committee Members Laurent Beaulieu and Bruce Matheson.  We met a few times to discuss nominations of the Executive and we consulted Doug for the nomination of the Trustee.

The purpose of the Nomination Committee is to ensure that names are being forwarded for vacancies on the Executive and Board of Trustees.

Questions asked:

Q:  How many member are on the Executive Board and the Board of Trustees?

A:  There are 10 members on the Executive and 5 Trustees.

Q:   How many years are each elected?

A:  Executive is elected for 2 year terms and Trustees for 5 year terms.

Incumbent Executive members are: 

Jamie Trainor, President

Irene MacArthur, Vice President

Jim Ross, House Chair

Allan Trainor, Membership Chair

Nominations by the Nomination Committee included:

Bruce Matheson, Treasurer

Jill Trainor, Secretary

Susan Stanger, Entertainment Chair

Scott Stevens, Pond Chair

Jane MacIsaac, Fundraising Chair

Helen Bernstein, Member at Large

Executive Nominations were uncontested.

Trustees are elected to a five year term.  

Incumbent Trustees are:

Chair Doug Thompson, 3rd year

Charlie Trainor, 4th year

Bert Christie, 4th  year

Harold McGuigan, 3rd year

Roger MacDonald, agreed to serve 2 years which are now up.

Nomination that was put forth to replace Roger was Alanna Jankov.  

Aidan opened up the floor for any other nominations.

Alice Whitty was nominated from the floor. Alice is a retire Neonatal nurse, she has been on the Kidney Foundations across Canada and has sat on Nurses Federations in Newfoundland.

An Election was conducted by a secret vote.  Alice Whitty will be the new Trustee.

Aidan moved that the Nominations be accepted.  Seconded by Bruce.  Motion Carried.


Motion presented by Laurent Beaulieu.

Let it be resolved, in order to keep our Club By-Laws relevant and up to date with the operations of the Haviland Club Inc., a complete review should be undertaken of the Club By-Laws. After examination, proposals should be made to tweak or modify the text to ensure relevance.

It is noted that the last revision was done some years ago and changes in Club operations have occurred since, including the large increase in membership, which makes this review necessary.

Therefore, it is proposed that a committee be created by the Executive for the purpose of examining and reviewing the By-Laws.

It is further proposed that, under the authority of the Executive, the legal opinion and guidance of a member of the legal profession be obtained to ensure conformity in the process and to ensure that any revisions be legally sound. This committee will present its findings and recommended changes to the Executive.


Motion Proposed by Laurent Beaulieu, Member,  Seconded by Bert Christie, Trustee.

Questions asked by members:

Q:  Is there anything in particular you are looking at?

A:  No,  we are looking at the whole bylaws.

Q:  Can we add in that the proposed changes be brought forward at the next AG meeting?

A:  The By-Laws can be changed by the Executive and do not need to be voted on at a AGM.

Doug suggested that a document be presented to the membership for comments and concerns before being presented to the Executive for a vote.  Laurent agreed and said it can be posted in the UPDATER Newsletter.

Doug Thompson moved that the revisions of the ByLaws being considered to be forwarded to the Membership prior to enactment of the Executive. The motion to amend the Bylaws was seconded by Cathy McDougall.  Motion carried.

Revisions to the text of the Club By-Laws be published and forwarded to the membership for their information via the UPDATER in a special edition, Members will have 30 calendar days to make any comments.

Motion adopted to amend the ByLaws at the AGM by voice vote of members present.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm

HC Minutes – 2021-04-19

[pdf-embedder url=”https://havilandclub.com/newwp/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/EM-Minutes_-2021_04_19.pdf” title=”EM Minutes_ 2021_04_19″]